Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Week 6 |Feb 26| Underground Comix

Crumb uses a lot of cross hatching for shading in his work. The story is very quick and can be read fast which makes the line work simple to flow through and read. The comics are illustrated child-like and cartoon-like but with adult themes.

This week i read one of his comics and it was rather strange. The comic was called white man and its about him camping and finding a yeti woman and loving her. I think it could be imagery for racism loneliness. Seeing as underground comics do not hold back on offensive material and it is the goal to offend the audience i suppose it could work. I personally did not think it was interesting or as if i got anything out of it other than the fact in knowing that the comic was intentionally offensive. These are definitely exclusive to adults and only adults should read them.

Most of the comics i've read this week, also fat freddys cat. Seem to mainly be adult themed and not geared to children. I think it is sensible to keep these comics underground and out of the reach of the obvious regular crowd being mainly children.

Tuesday, February 12, 2019

Week 5 |Feb 12| The Graphic Novel

This week i read contract with God. I got a lot from it, mainly my religious views relating to the story but on a smaller level. I also could relate to the strong storytelling and characters he conveys. It keeps you hooked and wants you to see whats next. You can also learn about the artist himself by reading the comics, you can clearly make the correlation to how he grew up in new York city.

Will Eisner's comics are very detailed and well illustrated. He has a lot of gloomy imagery which pairs well with his storytelling. His graphic novel storytelling gives very good life lessons and keeps you interested in the outcome of the story.

I read another comic by Will Eisner called Fagin the Jew. What i got from this comic is that most of his comics are about characters that when choosing to refrain from Judaism, it comes with a great loss and the character most likely always returns to the community.

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Week 4 |Feb 5th| The Comic Book

The comic style by Herge and Carl barks are simplistic and cartoony- very closely related to simple style that shares with animated characters. Most animated characters are simple and readable when created, so that they are also easier to be animated. This can keep the reading pace seemingly faster.

I read this week Herge, Explorers on the moon. The illustrations mixed with the colors definitely look outdated. I'm guessing 60's or 70's for the space travel theme. The story is cute and simple, as are the illustrations with the same line density. It definitely looks like its targeted towards children more than anything.