Tuesday, April 9, 2019

Week 11 |April 9| Contemporary Graphic Literature

April 9th

Tale of one bad Rat

This comic is about a homeless girl who lives in Britain and has strange encounters with other homeless people on the street. There are some flashbacks showing her past. It shows that she is suicidal but has a reason to live, which is taking care of the rat. The pictures are vivid and the narrative seems to be taking place sometime in the past. 

Comics Clowes Ice Haven

This is a realistic narrative with modern satire that tells it how it is. There's a man who observes the neighborhood around him and he explains what happens. Children are back talking the adults and having a hard time getting along. The colors are very simple and have this 50's retro style to them. These just seem like realistic experiences of growing up. 

Love and Rockets #23
For this comic it seems like this woman lures men into her house in this dysfunctional neighborhood and uses them. After that she kills them and draws their picture on the wall. The children are drawn more innocent and cartoon style than the adults with a more realistic style. 

Comics American Splendor Our Movie Year 2004.pdf
There's a lot of text that explains events in a mans life as a writer on HBO. It shows the same pictures of the same man throughout on different adventures. It seems like this is his way of collecting or gaining material for his writings. The drawings are detailed and small at times with a lot of shadows, the  they seem to be cartoon themed and more simple as well.

Bone 1
This is a scholastic comic about a bone who is wandering with his friends in the desert and comes across bugs and monsters. He get separated from his friends and becomes alone, running away or befriending the monsters of the desert as he tries to regroup. The backgrounds are painted nicely in what seems to be watercolor.  

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